We are Monique en Theo Bastiaansen.
in my youth I got aquainted with de Belgium shepherd Laekenois and the ones
I knew were very kind and nice child friendly dogs (I was only 10 years of age),
kept as guardingdogs for the yard.
I met Theo 25 years ago and he had at that time and still does Jack Russell Terriers.
Meanwhile we breed and show Jack Russell Terriers 25 years and with good result.
But the love for the "Belgium dog" was still there and could not be stopped.
18 years ago we bought two female Belgium shepherds, a "Groenendael" and "Tervueren".
These two shepherds accompanied me with my horse riding in the country. With there longer legs, there bigger "will to please" and there greater need to run, it was more easy for me to take them with me without a leache then the small Jack Russell.
These two ladies died of old age. After that I wanted a new Belgium shepherd but one of the other variety
Please" en hun grotere behoefte om te rennen, waren zij makkelijker los mee te nemen dan een Jack Russell.
Deze twee dames zijn van ouderdom overleden. Daarna wilde we wel "een Belg" maar een andere variëteit.
After a long search we found by coincedence two nice Laekenois from "Kennel v. 't Brugske and we bought Zascha and ZFitz van 't Brugske. Both dogs are from the "old type"
We are completely crazy about this type of dogs and there wonderful honest character..
Because breeding is in our blood we also want to breed with our Laekenois to preserve the "old type" Laekenois for the future. All our dogs have a pedigree and are chipped and registered at the Dutch Kennel Club.
All oud dogs are checked and HD and ED free.
For questions don’t hesitate to call us 0031(0)13-507 85 85 or send us an email to